We're Open!
Welcome to The Zen Academy.
Thank you for being here, I hope you will find The Zen Academy's offerings useful and find value in the tools, techniques, and perspectives offered.
I created The Zen Academy after noticing how beneficial tools were in helping my clients prioritize peace. When clients had worksheets, guided meditation recordings, Hypnotherapy recordings, mantras, journaling prompts or other tools in their metaphorical tool belt, they were more likely to use the tools when they felt triggered and come to a resolution that created more peace for them.
Clients who did not use tools were more likely to report themselves feeling ashamed of where they let their anger, sadness or other uncomfortable emotions lead them. They reported feeling more influenced by their negative emotions and making choices that caused negative spirals. I started teaching my clients detachment and how to recognize the separation between who they actually are and their thoughts. When you recognize you are not your thoughts and that not all of your thoughts are accurate it becomes easier to be more discerning and manage your energy more effectively by ignoring disempowering thoughts and focusing on thoughts that bring you peace. This is a process as ignoring your feelings and thoughts is not how you refocus. You refocus by amplifying your desired solution, trusting in your capabilities to navigate whatever experiences life brings before you, and taking action.
To launch I created a mini-course titled "Managing your Mindset Basics" in this self-paced mini-course you will learn how to observe your thoughts, detach from them and recognize what ammunition your ego uses against you to keep you small and hold you back from having the peace you need to be present and create excellence in your life. By the end of the "Managing your Mindset Basics" mini-course, you will feel more empowered and be able to better manage your mindset and create more fulfilling experiences for yourself.
Over the next year, you will see The Zen Academy expand its collection of Personal Development Courses, Guided Meditations, Pre-Recorded Hypnotherapy Sessions, Workbooks, and more effective tools that you can use whenever works for you, to help guide you back to peace.
Collectively we've experienced a lot of change and life will always be a journey so developing emotional resilience with mindfulness practices is an investment that will serve us for the rest of our lives. We are more aware of this than ever but usually don't know where to start which is why courses will guide you through the transformation you seek. If you have a protocol that works for you but can use some subconscious support with recorded affirmations or guided meditations feel free to check out our "Recordings" page where you can view our menu and find something that aligns with what you're looking for. If you don't find something that aligns feel free to send a suggested topic, we are always looking to better serve our community.
I hope you will sign up for our complimentary personal development mini-course "Managing your Mindset". It is one hour, self-paced, and can be taken anywhere.
Our mission is to help provide leaders with effective self paced tools to help them easily integrate more peace in their lives. When we are at peace we are able to show up in all areas of our lives and be most effective in leading our industries, families, and communities to a better and more fulfilling present and future.